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How to Apply for a Supply Teaching Job in Kettering, Northamptonshire
Posted on November 25, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Are you searching for supply teaching Kettering? Many teachers choose to take on supply teaching roles at some point in their teaching career, as it gives a brief respite from full time teaching or fits around other commitments. If you are based in the Kettering or Northamptonshire areas and you want to give supply teaching a go, then there are lots of opportunities for you. You just need to know where to look, how to go about conducting your search and how to apply for the supply teaching jobs you want.
The first part of the application process is looking for a job that interests you. In the age of the internet, this task is made a lot easier. Many schools will advertise their positions online, on central databases where you can find all the teaching jobs that are local to you. These will often include full time positions as well as supply teaching positions, both short term and long term. You can then select from the positions that are relevant to you, so the ones that are primary or secondary, in a convenient location in Kettering, that pay the right money and that are in schools you would like to work in.
The other option is to search with a recruitment company that specialises in supply teaching. This can be a much easier process for you, as they will help you to find the positions that are relevant to you straight away. You can also find jobs that are in the right location by searching on their databases, or asking your recruitment consultant to narrow down the search for you. You will also get good levels of customer service, and should work with one individual recruiter who will help you with the process. A good recruitment agency will also be well known amongst schools, so you will get access to some of the best jobs this way.
When you have found the supply teaching jobs that interest you, then you are ready to start the application. If you are applying directly to the school, they will expect a certain format of application, often a form that will need to be filled in. If you are applying through a recruitment agency, the process might differ. The good thing about this is that the recruitment agency will be able to support you in your application. They will know the school on a personal level, so they will know exactly what they are looking for in a supply teacher. They can identify if you have the right skillset to apply, meaning you will be more likely to get an interview if you are well matched to the position in the first place. They will also support you in putting your application together, offering you advice and checking it over before it goes to the school.
Kettering will have many opportunities for you as a supply teacher. It is just a matter of finding the positions that interest you, then writing an outstanding application that will get you noticed.
Posted in Careers in Teaching
Moving on from A-Level Results
Posted on September 11, 2018 at 10:09 pm
For your pupils who have just received their A-Level results, the news will have either been brilliant or upsetting. Either way, they are going to have some decisions to make about their futures, and their A-Level results will certainly affect this. As their teacher, you are in the perfect position to advise and offer students some wisdom.
If your students had good results, then they will be off to university of college if they applied. The difficulty comes if they did better than expected, and they find themselves potentially wanting to do something else. Remind them that there is no rush to make a decision, and they should make it in a calm and collected way.
For students who didn’t do as well, the conversation may focus on whether it is worth resitting. You can also steer them towards clearing, where they can look at available university places to see if any of them are suitable.
Posted in Education Practices
Setting your Goals for the Next Academic Year
Posted on August 30, 2018 at 10:42 pm
The summer holidays will be drawing to an end, if they haven’t already, and it is a time to make a fresh start during a new academic year. This is a good time to be in a positive frame of mind and to set goals for yourself and your teaching in the upcoming year. If you are in a regular state school, then you will need to set aims in order to qualify for a payrise the following year. These will be assessed in the upcoming years to make sure you have met them.
It’s also a time to set personal goals for your own development as a teacher. Think about areas where you might want to improve, and set yourself goals to improve on them. It could be as simple as keeping on top of your marking, or you might vow to spend more time planning a course and making new resources.
Posted in Careers in Teaching
Completing Further Training in the School Holidays
Posted on July 31, 2018 at 12:26 pm
The school holidays have arrived and undoubtedly all teachers will be looking forward to a well-earned break. The last thing on your mind might be additional teacher training, however 6 weeks is a long time, so if you did want to complete some training, now might well be a good choice. And there will still be plenty of time to enjoy yourself as well!
If you want to gain an additional qualification, see if there are any good courses running during the holidays that will give you the chance to expand your horizons. You might be thinking about specialising in a certain area of, teaching, or you might want to gain experience in an area that you haven’t covered before. You could also take the opportunity to work in a summer school, which would allow you to earn some extra money whilst also building on your existing teaching skills. See if you can teach something different and choose an area that interests you.
Posted in Careers in Teaching
Finding a Good Teaching Job in Cambridge
Posted on July 1, 2018 at 4:29 pm
Are you looking for supply teaching Cambridge? You will be able to find lots of options for your job hunt if you are committed to finding a new position in a new school. There are lots of good options out there, but what do we mean by good? A good teaching job will mean something different to every single person. In order to be happy in your work, you will need to find the job that is right for you and that will suit your skills and interests. Luckily for you, as a qualified teacher, you will find lots of opportunities in Cambridge where you can thrive. Whether you want to work in a primary school, a secondary school, or you might prefer to work as a supply teacher, you can find the right position for you.
So how do you go about applying for that dream job? The first step is finding it. Begin your search as specifically as you can, looking in the areas where you specifically want tp work. If you don’t find what you want, you can then consider casting your net a little wider.
The internet is an excellent tool if you are looking for the right teaching job for you. There will be the option to really filter down your search, producing results that will show the positions you would like in and around Cambridge. If you would like to work in a specific area, a certain department or even a certain school, this will give you a great deal of flexibility. There is always the option of working as a supply teacher for a period of time to see if you enjoy something and then changing to a more permanent position afterwards.
One of the best things you can do when looking for your ideal teaching job is sign up with a specialist teaching recruitment agency. They can give you help and advice during your job search, so you can get some real support and advice. This is a very good idea if you are new to the area of Cambridge and don’t know the area especially well, as they can tell you about positions in relevant schools and areas for you. Receuitment professionals can take a consultative approach, telling you about positions that will suit you in an area that works.
It’s worth finding a recruitment professional who is highly experienced in education recruitment and who can give you invaluable advice about your field. They will work with you to understand you requirements and make sure your CV is submitted for relevant teaching positions in the general Cambridgeshire area. When you find a good recruitment consultant, stick with them, even if they don’t have any relevant positions at that exact moment in time. They will be able to keep your details and will keep looking out for positions that suit you, so when something does come up, they can get in touch. Many of the top schools work with recruitment agencies, so this is a good way to get into the field you want.
Posted in Uncategorized
Headteachers – Are Their Roles Similar to Teachers?
Posted on May 16, 2018 at 10:20 pm
Headteachers take on a unique role within a school or academy, managing its day to day running as well as managing members of staff. They will also have responsibilities to do with budgets and curriculums, making their role very academic and management heavy. This differs quite substantially to the role of a classroom teacher.
Most headteachers will have started out as teachers. It is usually a requirements that they are able to teach lessons and have a good understanding of education, in a way that only a teacher can. This gives the person a unique insight into the way children learn, and helps them to develop behaviour policies and overall standards within the school.
Whilst most headteachers will come from a teaching background, they will often have other qualifications as well. A teacher who is keen to become the head of a school might take an MA in education, or an additional management qualification.
Posted in Careers in Teaching, Education
Finding Teaching Jobs to Suit you in Peterborough
Posted on April 30, 2018 at 7:37 pm
As a teacher, there is no clear cut line about what does and doesn’t make a good teaching job. There will be jobs that suit your interests, teaching abilities and personality, and this will be different in every single teacher. This makes it hard to say that there is such a thing as a good teaching job – it is much more a case of there being teaching jobs that will suit you. When searching for teaching jobs Peterborough, you need to know what to look out for if you are going to find the roles that will work best for you.
Step 1: Deciding on your non negotiable job aspects
For every teacher, there will be one compromise that is a compromise too far. In order to find the right job for you, it is important to have a clear idea of what will be too much of a compromise for you. You can also look at it the other way around, and decide on the things that are the absolute essentials for any new job role. It could be that you just could not imagine yourself working in Peterborough city, as you are much more interested in working in a small village school. Perhaps you want a promotion, and you won’t accept a new role unless it is going to challenge you. Maybe you want to work part time, and will only accept flexible work as a supply teacher. Whatever it is that is important to you, be clear on it in your own mind. This will really help streamline your job search.
Step 2: Begin looking for job roles
If you are interesting in supply teaching in Peterborough, then you will be able to find work all year round. As a permanent teacher, you will need to look at certain times of the year. You can look online, and you can also register with teaching recruitment agencies. These are specialist agencies that recruit for teaching positions, so they will have lots of job roles that are suitable for you. You will usually be assigned a specialist recruitment professional who will manage the process for you, so as they get to know your needs, they can pick out the jobs that most closely match with your requirements.
Step 3: Shortlist roles and begin applying
If you want to find the right role, make sure you don’t rush the process. The perfect teaching job won’t appear overnight – it might, but that would be incredibly lucky if it did. If you work with an agency, they will be able to submit your CV on your behalf to see if the school is interested in you, which will also make the application process much quicker. If you are successful at this stage, then schools will begin to invite you for interviews and you will get to spend a day there, giving you a good idea of whether you like the school and the atmosphere. Soon, you will get to know schools well in the Peterborough area, and you will know where you want to teach.
Posted in Careers in Teaching
Teaching in a Secondary School – How is it Different to a Primary School?
Posted on March 11, 2018 at 5:12 pm
Teaching in secondary school requires a very different skill set to teaching in a primary school. Children of different ages present teachers with different challenges, meaning it can be harder to switch between the two. If you are a primary teacher thinking of working in a secondary school, you may also need to get different qualifications.
Here are some of the main differences you will ned to consider:
- More academic curriculum. You will be teaching subjects that are more in depth and more challenging academically.
- You will specialise in a certain subject. You won’t be teaching everything to your class – you will be teaching various classes one subject. This means you will need more knowledge on that subject and will have to work with lots of different children.
- Children will ask very different questions. They will be thinking about their subjects in more depth, so you may need to learn the answers to some of their more difficult questions!
Posted in Education
What Makes you a Great Teacher?
Posted on December 27, 2017 at 5:44 pm
Everyone has their bad days, in all careers and in all walks of life. Teachers are no exception. It’s an incredibly tough job and it is not a line of work to be sniffed at. Here are some of the reasons you are a great teacher – remember these the next time you are feeling stressed or tired:
- You are kind and compassionate. As a teacher, you must be a caring person who wants to help others. You are kind enough to make a serious commitment to the success of others.
- You are so hardworking. Few careers require as much work as a teacher puts in. Remember just how hard you work (and remember to take a break as well!)
- You are intelligent. You have to retain a lot of information to be able to teach children properly. The knowledge you have will be a lot compared to the knowledge required for other careers.
Posted in Careers in Teaching
How to Use Teacher Training in Other Fields
Posted on October 30, 2017 at 11:50 pm
Teaching is a valuable skill to have and it doesn’t just have to be relevant in the classroom. As a trained teacher, you have lots of options when considering a career change. There are specific, unique skills you learn as a teacher that will be very desirable and will stand you in good stead within the private job market.
If you can control a class full of rowdy, screaming children, you are going to be able to control and manage people in the workplace, most of whom might even actually want to be there! People will really value the disciplinary skills you have learnt and will be glad to take you on in a management role.
Other organisation will recognise your ability to teach and will be glad to have you in their training or education departments. You could end up working in fields like staff training, or perhaps in an outreach programme.
Posted in Education