Setting your Goals for the Next Academic Year

Posted on August 30, 2018 at 10:42 pm

The summer holidays will be drawing to an end, if they haven’t already, and it is a time to make a fresh start during a new academic year. This is a good time to be in a positive frame of mind and to set goals for yourself and your teaching in the upcoming year. If you are in a regular state school, then you will need to set aims in order to qualify for a payrise the following year. These will be assessed in the upcoming years to make sure you have met them.

It’s also a time to set personal goals for your own development as a teacher. Think about areas where you might want to improve, and set yourself goals to improve on them. It could be as simple as keeping on top of your marking, or you might vow to spend more time planning a course and making new resources.

Posted in Careers in Teaching