Moving on from A-Level Results
Posted on September 11, 2018 at 10:09 pm
For your pupils who have just received their A-Level results, the news will have either been brilliant or upsetting. Either way, they are going to have some decisions to make about their futures, and their A-Level results will certainly affect this. As their teacher, you are in the perfect position to advise and offer students some wisdom.
If your students had good results, then they will be off to university of college if they applied. The difficulty comes if they did better than expected, and they find themselves potentially wanting to do something else. Remind them that there is no rush to make a decision, and they should make it in a calm and collected way.
For students who didn’t do as well, the conversation may focus on whether it is worth resitting. You can also steer them towards clearing, where they can look at available university places to see if any of them are suitable.
Posted in Education Practices